McCormack Advanced Rectifer Circuitry

I'm on the list to have my DNA-125 Platinum upgraded with the new ARC (both 1 and 2.) :D

Has anyone here already had this done to their McCormack amp? If so, what's your impression?

The more I read and think about this upgrade, the less I think about spending money on other things. So thanks in advance for saving me money in a bizarre sort of way!


Kris anticipated mid to late September, although it could get pushed back depending on how long the current jobs take.

Kris did say the ARC-2 was a more significant upgrade than the ARC-1, but I figured I'd avoid future shipping and labor costs by having both done at the same time.
Where can I read about this upgrade, as you say you've done? Do you mean in the AG forums? Thanks
Zaikesman, the best way to find out is to ask Steve.
Call or e-mail him, so you get a written response. This way you can read it over and over again, until curiousity takes over and you send your amp in for this
Hey, my amp is getting better and better......

Howard, I changed the AC Mains fuse in my amp to Hi-Fi Tuning fuse. Very nice tweak!!! Definitely worth the $25(despite that it sounds crazy to pay this much for a fuse).

I want to try these fuses in my CD player next.

Zaikesman, I still haven't opened my ARC CD3MkII to see if there are fuses, but I plan on doing it this weekend.