NHT 2.9s - what amp is for me w/small/med budget?


I have a pair of NHT 2.9s that sound great when connected to a good amp. Recently I borrowed a Pass Aleph 30 from a friend and they sound very good with that amp, but could possibly use more power.

Any ideas on what might be a good match for these speakers?

Thanks - Jay
Sounds like you just have to find a bigger Pass amp that you can afford. Aleph monos would be ideal.
I really recommend biamping these speakers using the NHT SA3 bass amp for the bass (it has a volume pot so it is easily integrated with another amp) and then a sweeter amp like the Pass Aleph 30 for the mids and highs... Using the SA3 gives you a lot more opportunity to play with lower powered amps.
The SA3 is no longer in production, but can be found here or on eBay (you could also use a pair of SA2 instead; these are more common).
Good luck
Get a Rotel RB-991 or the newer RB-1080. Each has 200 watts per side. These will drive them quite well and they are alot of amp for the dollar.
Thanks - I like the idea of biamping. hmm, i'll look into the SA3, which I'm not familiar with. I guess though with the biamping you need to get some sort of control for the bass and treble. I'll have to investigate how that is best done.