Entry level tube integrated to replace T-Amp?


I'm currently using a T-amp with a NOS Dac (Derek Shek's) with a pair of original Snell K. I'm very happy with the set-up and amazed at how good things can sound at budget level. However while the Snells are tight, swinging, very open and aery, and delivers great soundstage and image with the T-Amp, they are also somewhat "bleached" in sound (as I've seen them described by someone). The T-Amp is a bit "thin" overall and creates a certain listening fatigue. The Snells are last on my list of updates, and I am therefore considering replacing the T-Amp with an entry level tube integrated to compensate for the Snell's somewhat "bleach" sound and the T-Amps somewhat "thin" sound, as well as to make the listening less fatiguing. I'm aware of at least three well reviewed tube integrateds: the Almarro 205, the Sophia Baby, and the Decware Zen. Is there anyone who has heard and compared those three amps and could give me some advice? PRaT (as the English say) is very important to me and I would vey much like to keep the T-Amp's good soundstage, image and detail.

Feel free to comment!
Hi Gmood1!

Great feedback! For volume levels I don't need much power, depending on recording level I rarely run the T-Amp above 9 o'clock. Maybe more power would affect other parameters as definition, bass, texture, I don't know.

I regularly read the TNT-Audio site where the Sonic Impact T-AMP, the Autocostruire 2020, the DiyParadise "Charlize", and the 41Hz AMP (why the name "41 Hz", by the way?) were reviewed (http://www.tnt-audio.com/ampli/tripath_amps_e.html). I have been very tempted by the Charlize and am still wondering how it sounds.

I knew about the DIY site by Michael Mardis but since I'm not really into DIY I haven't visited it regularly. The Octopus however really look like an interesting alternative to the Charlize! Have you heard it?

And what about the Maestro T-Amp. How does that look to you? (http://www.bestaudiomods.com/)

Thanks again for feedback!
Well I've never heard the Charlize. But I do have a friend that owns one and he's heard my ClariT. Which is basically the same as the Maestro T amp. Both use the same Tripath boards and most likely sound the same. He says the Charlize is a much better sounding unit over the ClariT. The ClariT used the original Sonic impact board..so no surprises there.

I'm not sure why Jan uses 41Hz in his web name? Both the 41Hz and Charlize T amps have boards that are not of the Sonic Impact board. They were designed to out perform the basic mass market SI boards.

If Michael Mardis picked these boards over the basic SI. You can bet he did it for a reason. If I had to choose between the four of them. I would buy the Charlize or the Octupus amplifier. The Octupus seems more of a complete unit from what I can tell. I've never read where a person picked the basic SI over the other two T amps. With a 16 day money back guarantee you don't have much to lose with the Octupus. Also having two extra wpc can't hurt.

The input caps seem to be the key at getting more of a balanced sound from the T amps.

If you haven't tried one. You may also want to look at a Gain Clone. So far it is still my choice over the T amps in balanced sound and refinement. Maybe that will change once my 41Hz unit is finished? I'll know soon enough.;-)

Good listening!!
hi. i have a modded SI with auricaps etc. its good, but in retrospect i would save my money now instead of modding it. 41hz is bringing out an amp 4 kit at some point using the same chip as the signature 30. it will probably be far cheaper, though the sig 30 really does appeal. i'd love to hear it after the 6moons review
Hi Gilbodavid,

If I'm not mistaken the chip used in the Sig30 and TEAC are discontinued. There's now a different Tripath chip to take its place with similar output. I wonder if Jan will get the newer chip or buy the discontinued model at a discount?