845s: To biamp or not

I have a new pair of Consonance Cyber 845 monos which I'm very happy with. I have tried them full-range on my Hyperion 938s as well as using a Gallo SA amp to drive the bass modules. I seemed to prefer them full-range, but have been wondering if perhaps I didn't devote enough time to proper level matching and should give the system another go with the Gallo amp.

So.. I'm curious: who would pursue bi-amping in this situation? Does the 845 have sufficient muscle and extension to want to run them full-range on speakers that go to 35Hz, or is bi-amping theoretically preferable at least? Opinions?

The theoretical part of me doesn't like the discontinuity inherent in bi-amping. But perhaps I am all wet.
I have the Cyber 211s and use them full-range on my 93 db efficient Acapella LaCampanellas. The sound is exceptional and the 20 watts that the 211s put out work well.

I have no idea what the efficiency of the Hyperions is, but I would suspect that speakers down to 90 db even in a large room should work full-range with them.

I have never found using two dissimilar amps works.
Im not sure but that amp of yours the 845 is pretty darn good and is a very linear tube. Unless there is a crazy load on the lowend id stay with the 845.
I run Schweikert vr-8 with 96 db. Was running a rogue 120 with great bass(feedback) got the itch to biamp, purchased a krell the rogue kicked its butt. the krell also added too much midbass.Then god knows about precise level matching, there might be a few recodings that sound better bi-ampd...
Hows the 845's with the complexity of classical music?
I may get a second system with high efficiency speakers + 845 dual monos. But I only listen to classical. The 300B tube is too flat in peak fq's. I love sharp dynamics.