What to do with dedicated power lines..help please

Ive just had 2 dedicated 20 amp lines installed in my house..its been a great improvement..but just wondering should I separate the lines into amps ( and sub amps) on one and pre amp,cd,ld,dvd on the other...have seen some mention of benefit of separating digital and analog gear but Im not sure if this is what is meant or not...thanks
Tuesday morning, I am having an electrician run two dedicated lines in my finished basement/listening/HT room. Currently (pun intended!), my equipment (pre, power amp, AV receiver, CDP, DVD player, tuner, DirecTV receiver, VCR) are plugged into a "normal" circuit, ie, one that just has a couple outlets running around two adjacent walls in the basement. The other basement circuit on the opposite adjacent wall feed my Velodyne sub and Sony HD RPTV. Nothing else is on these circuits. My amp is a McCormack DNA-225, so not hungry enough to *need* its own circuit.

Here are my thoughts after the new circuits are in: Plug the McCormack into one of the new circuits with a non-shielded power cord (VH Audio Flavor 4 perhaps); plug the rest of the analog gear into the other new circuit with non-shielded PCs (Flavor 2s perhaps); plug the CDP (Music Hall CD25.2) into the old circuit with a shielded PC (Flavor 1.) Does anyone have any different or further suggestions/comments. I imagine down the road, I may introduce some AC line conditioning on a trial basis. My guess is I may want to filter any digital noise from the CDP getting back to the breaker box.

Other info: I only have capacity (and reasonable budget) to pull two new circuits. Fortunately the breaker panel is only 8~10 feet from where the circuits are being terminated. Walls are sheet rock. I'm planning on using Porter Ports for the new circuits and replace the existing outlet(s) with them also.

TIA for any words of wisdom. I have read many here and look forward to more.

Remember to install a dedicated ground. Dedicated lines will benefit greatly from them.

There are a ton of good outlets to choose from.