Tubes and Rock and Roll, Can they go together?

I just got back from Harvey Electronics in New Jersey. I demo-ed 2 sets of equipment:
Set 1
McIntosh MC-2102
McIntosh C-2200
McIntosh MCD-205
Sonus Cremona
Set 2
McIntosh Mc-402
McIntosh C-45
Marantz SA-11s1
Martin Logans

The CD's that were demo-ed were Various Artist. I enjoy easy listening music, but I do have a number of CD's that are classical rock (80's Rock Bands) The tube set up was incredible on Vocals and solo instuments, not to mention their stunning looks. Probably the very best I have heard to date. The problem was when I put in some classical rock, the sound became less enjoyable and almost seemed like it lost definition and it's musical appeal. When I listend to the solid state set up, it sounded better with the Rock, but it lost it's enjoyable appeal. The tubes set up, I felt I could have listened to soft music all day. Besides buying the new 15K McIntosh tube/solid state pre, is there away I can enjoy classical rock from a tube based system? Would changing speakers help? Thanks!
Its a shame that most classic rock music was recorded so poorly. If you like tubes just try a tube pre and ss amp just to get a good mix. But not all ss is forgiving just seek out a happy balance;
>>Its a shame that most classic rock music was recorded so poorly<<

Most is a poor choice of words IMO. "Some" is more appropriate. I have a substantial collection which began in 1959 and can easily disprove your statement.
Since you listened on different speakers, all other comparisons are out the window. Unfortunately, there's probably a good reason why they set up those speakers with those amps. It's been a while since I listened to Macs but I remember a multiple personality disorder amongst the family, way back when.

There is some ground for your question, historically, but it's far from the rule. You might want to listen to bigger Manley, VTL and Rogue (to name a few) before judging prematurely. Not only do they have the dynamics, but many models are suitable for "rockin'" speakers.
I agree with Ngjockey. I have a CJ preamp with two VTL tube monoblocks. Let me tell you my system rocks harder than Angus Young at an AC/DC concert.

By the way I have a lot of classic rock LP's that sound amazing. Ususally it is the classic rock cd's that sound bad.
A few years ago I went into a high-end Brick-n-mortar shop with the intention of auditioning a couple of surround sound systems. I really liked what I heard, then the salesman ran a McIntosh 2102 amp through the same speakers.

He put on some serious rock and I accused him of changing sounded so good. He had to take me back to see the wires to prove that the only change was the amp.

I think you should go back and give the 2102 another try, having let it warm up a bit. Bring your own favorite music. Make sure they are using the same speakers.