Tubes and Rock and Roll, Can they go together?

I just got back from Harvey Electronics in New Jersey. I demo-ed 2 sets of equipment:
Set 1
McIntosh MC-2102
McIntosh C-2200
McIntosh MCD-205
Sonus Cremona
Set 2
McIntosh Mc-402
McIntosh C-45
Marantz SA-11s1
Martin Logans

The CD's that were demo-ed were Various Artist. I enjoy easy listening music, but I do have a number of CD's that are classical rock (80's Rock Bands) The tube set up was incredible on Vocals and solo instuments, not to mention their stunning looks. Probably the very best I have heard to date. The problem was when I put in some classical rock, the sound became less enjoyable and almost seemed like it lost definition and it's musical appeal. When I listend to the solid state set up, it sounded better with the Rock, but it lost it's enjoyable appeal. The tubes set up, I felt I could have listened to soft music all day. Besides buying the new 15K McIntosh tube/solid state pre, is there away I can enjoy classical rock from a tube based system? Would changing speakers help? Thanks!
I am sorry to hear you are having such a trying experience, but welcome to the club.

I just purchased the Cremonas a couple of days ago and have been very happy with how they perform with rock. Last night I was feeling a bit mellow and had a 3 hour Beatle fest..........amazing. I am using the Cremonas with Van Alstine.

Good Luck with your search.
musicaudio- if you like the mcintosh, then find the speakers to mate with them....i'm a big mac man and wouldn't have it any other system will definately rock and roll...

try not to limit yourself to one dealer- i'm sure they're are plenty of people in your area that have good systems and would be happy for you to stop by....good luck, brent
Insert high quality tube preamp, mix with high powered SS or chip amp, and you should be very close to the best of both...
My McIntosh 2102 serves a pair of Kef Referance 205 speakers. Yes, I do love my Rock-n-Roll!
The Cremona, despite its 90db/w/m efficiency rating, really doesn't perform to its potential on the output of the Mac 2102. You should have heard it with the MC402 -- the least McIntosh amp that expresses the synergy between the speaker and Mac gear. Going up the line only improves that match until the combination of MC1201s + Cremonas puts the speaker in another league entirely, cost ratio of amp:speaker be damned. And the Mac quad differential autoformer SS amps do a better job than most very high output PP tube amps, save possibly the top ARC, for less cost.

I can't live with the discontinuity in transient behavior of the ML, between the dynamic woofer and the ES panel.

Tubes can definitely put you in rock & roll bliss with snappier speakers that have much lower power requirements. Tubes, even SET using 845s, or a good PP amp like the Mac 2102, used with Zu Definitions or Zu Druids + Zu Method Sub easily give you rock impact and slam, with sonic definition preserved.
