Cayin A - 88 T , sounds great but ...

I just acquired this integrated a couple of months ago , it is my first experience with a tube amp . I must say that I really do like this amp and what it has done for my listening pleasure . However , I am not into the involved biasing procedure that is required . There for , I am looking for an integrated tube amp that would be , at least , equal to the Cayin in sound production ability and be either self/auto biasing or extremely easy to bias without removing anything , including the amp from the stand .
I am using Reference 3a De Capo i speakers in a small room , near field . These speakers are rated at 92 db. sensitivity without any crossover and have a minimum power rating of 5 watts . I prefer to listen at low levels but do crank it sometimes . I listen to classic rock and contemporary blues . The new contendor should be detailed , extended and dynamic at low listening levels .
So far I have found the Prima Luna Prologue II (auto biasing) and the VAC Avitar (biased through a front panel without the use of a meter) . Of course there is quite a difference in price with these two . I do not have the ability to audition either one of these and am relying on what is in print .
I would also like to hear about other recommendations .
Newbee ; Thanks for the tube comparing on the PL's . I assume that your refernce to the PL5 would also apply to the PL2 . I was not aware that the PL2 would take the EL34's also , how about EL84's ?
I chose the De Capo's and the Cayin for their low level characteristics . I included that in my request so as not to loose that feature when switching amps . My previous amp was not as good at low levels as the Cayin .
Again , I am switching amps due to biasing procedures , not sound characteristics . The Cayin is really pretty good !
Saki70, So far as I know the Two will not take EL84's. Re comparisons between the Five and Two, the units are very similar in design with a few differences, one being the absence of negative feed back in the Five and I have been told that sonically they are similar. Rarl has both and can comment on the differences if any, however I don't believe he uses the Three. Obviously choice of pre-amp can affect the sound of the amp. If the only difference between the One and the Two is the speed, taughtness of the bass, and resolution, as well as the different tubes and their individual sounds, the Two would be an excellent unit. I haven't heard from anyone who has both the Two and the 3/5 combo. You might call Kevin Deal and discuss this with him. He obviously has total knowledge of these units.

Regarding low level performance, my listening levels usually average about 80 db +/- 3db, and I note no loss or improvement for that matter, with the PL amps with lower or higher volume.
Thanks Newbee , guess I got confused about the EL tubes . That is great about the performance at low levels !

Looks like a tough decision between the Almarro and the Prima Luna ! On the one hand the Almarro may have a better sound and , I think , the better warranty , 5 years . On the other hand the Prima Luna seems to be more tube versatile and 'is' self biasing . Hmmm .
Saki 70:

The Prima Luna P2 can use: KT88, 6550, EL-34, 6CA7, 6L6GC, KT66, and 7581 tubes. I have used both KT 88's and EL 34's with the P2, as well as with the P5. I prefer the EL 34's with my P2, mostly because the speakers in use only go down so low in the bass (Omega Super 3's; single driver monitors) and because I do nearfield listening.

I have the P5 paired with Acoustic Research 302 (10 inch woofer; 3 way) speakers that can go down to 35hz. Here the EL 34 are just not giving me all the bass that the KT 88's can offer (Newbee ... thanks for the tip about the 6550). I have a Musical Fidelity CD PRE 24 (solid state preamp/CD combo) in front of the P5. I like this take on a solid state/tube combination a lot ... it does most things pretty well. As for differences in sound between the P2 and P5 ... to my ears the P5 is a bit more elegant sounding, but I find that to be a trait of the Musical Fidelity components that I have used.

Newbee is correct in that low volume dynamics are more likely to depend on your speakers. I listen to my music pretty low (NYC apartment building) and the monitors that I have used (Omega Super 3's; NHT SB2's; Rega Ara's) have all sounded good when played low.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Rich