Cayin A - 88 T , sounds great but ...

I just acquired this integrated a couple of months ago , it is my first experience with a tube amp . I must say that I really do like this amp and what it has done for my listening pleasure . However , I am not into the involved biasing procedure that is required . There for , I am looking for an integrated tube amp that would be , at least , equal to the Cayin in sound production ability and be either self/auto biasing or extremely easy to bias without removing anything , including the amp from the stand .
I am using Reference 3a De Capo i speakers in a small room , near field . These speakers are rated at 92 db. sensitivity without any crossover and have a minimum power rating of 5 watts . I prefer to listen at low levels but do crank it sometimes . I listen to classic rock and contemporary blues . The new contendor should be detailed , extended and dynamic at low listening levels .
So far I have found the Prima Luna Prologue II (auto biasing) and the VAC Avitar (biased through a front panel without the use of a meter) . Of course there is quite a difference in price with these two . I do not have the ability to audition either one of these and am relying on what is in print .
I would also like to hear about other recommendations .
I am seriously considering the Cayin 70t, reportidly its a newer model. The only other integrated that has my attention is the Pathos Classic MK II, has anyone had the chance to A/B these?
If you are still in the market I have an integrated that I recommend highly.

I have been using a Sound Quest SQ-88 for quite some time (almost two years) with a variety of speakers (Von Schweikert VR-4jr, AAD 2003, Paradigm Studio 60 v2, et. al.). It is self-biasing and can use KT-88, EL-34, and 6550. It looks and sounds great and is easy to live with. It is worth a look and is priced very well.

Lowfidelity and all ; Thank you very much for your contributions . I have decided to go with the Prologue 2 and it should arrive tomorrow .