Air Tight ATM2 Direct Driven by CDP?

Does anyone have experience using the Air Tight ATM2 KT88 amp direct-driven from a CD player with a variable output? I have a Cary 303/300 and I'm thinking seriously about purchasing the Air Tight amp, but I want to avoid a preamp if possible. I realize the ATM2 has a two-channel attenuator as well, but what does it sound like driven directly from the CDP? My Cary has audio output levels of 3.0 Vrms single-ended and 6.0 Vrms balanced.
Bblilikoi: Are your Air Tight ATM-2's transformers quiet? As posted in the other thread, my new ATM-2 's power transformer hums and can be heard from 3, 4ft away...I'm exchanging it for another one (but will take 4-6 weeks for delivery though) but still curious to know if Air Tight usually have this problem.
Aloha Jaytea,

Yes, my ATM-2 transformers are quiet. I'm sorry yours aren't, but glad Air Tight is getting you a new unit. That's very good to hear about Axiss Distributing. I haven't heard of this problem with the amp before.
At Toms suggestion, I've tried running the Air Tight direct from the Cary 303/300 CDP once again--this time with more interesting results. It's not as brittle and hashy sounding as when I tried it before--perhaps the contribution of all my tube-rolling (in both amp and CDP)--and there is more clarity and less distortion of some kind, but there is also a definite tip up within a certain treble range. The information comes through much cleaner and, thus, I can hear what's tipped up. I'm sure it's that impedance drop in my Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home speakers below 4 ohms in the 4kHz-20kHz range.

At the suggestion of another member from another thread, I lowered the bias-settings on the Air Tight by two measure markers. He suggested lowering the bias to improve sound, particularly relating to the Air Tight's leanness and tone of being "tipped-up," as that's been his experience with his Air Tight ATM-2. He reported that, when he tube-rolled his pre, a Wavelength, the character of the ATM-2 would change, brighten in tone, and sound "tipped up and leaner." This has been my experience whatever the tubes in either pre or amp, actually, though some are better than others.

Well, I lowered the bias-setting by about two measures and the choral music I was playing was immediately slightly better--more resolving. As I listened further, I could tell there was more inner detail in the soundstage and that the voices themselves were more easily separable, creating different polyphonic lines (as they should), and coming together more cleanly in coherent harmonies (again, as they should).

Overall, judging by a handful of CDs played with the bias lowered and the CDP running direct in to the Air Tight, this results in a cleaner choral sound. And a very sweet, clear, and fast orchestral sound too.

I would recommend using the Air Tight ATC-2 valve preamplifier with the AirTight ATM-2 amplifier. I can not understand why any one would run a amplifier directly from a CD player, the reason why is there is no buffer stage and the sound will be edgy and hard. Preamplifiers especially a very good valve preamplifiers add the tone to the music body and weight to the sound. Dynamics are also a huge benefit from a preamplifier stage especially if you are playing Vinyl.
I think people get the impression of a cleaner sound by running direct from a CD player but this is actually a leaner sound that will eventually fatigue a listener who will then tend to blame the amplifier.
A well designed preamplifier is the heart of a Audio system and the soul of the music. Some time Less is not always Best in a audio system, do not fall into the trap of thinking because I have done away with one component in the chain the sound will be more musical.
I have tried all the passive gain devices over the years and from my experience valve preamplifiers are still the best option for audio system tone and synergy with your power amplifiers.
You can look at my Audio system products used on my Audiogon page.
Thanks Jason.