How much better is the Krell 400xi compared to the

How much better is the Krell 400xi(200w) compared to the Krell 300i (150w) people? Sound quality and overall performances?

It's funny how different people have such different experiences with gear. I wish there was a $700 integrated that could outperform my 400xi (Indofunka - What integrated was that?). I'd put $1K in my pocket. Of course, my speakers are Magnepan 1.6s, so they do require the power which narrows the amplifier possibilites down a bit. In my system, the 400xi was an improvement over a quicksilver pre and Sunfire amp (and a Perreaux pre as well).
I have a 400xi (with probably less than 200 hrs on it). I've also got a Conrad-Johnson PF2 preamp and Hafler 9500 and Odyssey Stratos power amps. Of the three combos (400xi, PF2/9500, PF2/Stratos), the 400xi sounds sweetest on top; the PF2/Stratos has the largest soundstage, and the PF2/9500 images best. Soundstage size is about the same between the PF2/9500 and 400xi (perhaps slightly smaller for the 400xi). The 400xi and PF2/Stratos have slightly smoother midbass than the PF2/9500.

- Kofi
I have compared the 400xi and the combo Sp16 pre with 4 Bsst amp and I have to say the 400xi comes very closed. Open, clean, sweet and warm. The 400xi mid-range is not quite open and rich as the Sp16/ 4 Bsst combo but very close. I did hear more detail background from the Sp16/ 4 Bsst. In the All for you cd, with the Sp16/ 4 Bsst I can hear clearly the drum brush on the background but only faint sound with 400xi.A $2500.00 intergrated hold itself against $5,500.00 combo with its own decency. Not bad Krell !
Infofuma, I own 400xi and I love it as much as my SP16/ 4Bsst combo even though the 400Xi is not quite as detail and open as the above combo. A $2500.00 intergrated holds itself pretty good against $5,500.00 combo that is impressive. If it is in perfect condition and you want to get rid of it at a loss, you know how to contact me. I am an audio junkie who loves the baby Krell more than some separates and I may have the use another 400Xi.