Need feedback from Bryston amp owners

I'm thinking of buying the Bryston 3B SST amp. Does anyone have this amp or a comparable amp like the 4B SST? I heard they are strong in the low end (bass).
I owned the Bryson 4B. "Strong in the low end (bass)?" How about powerful, solid, extended and visceral. As good as I have heard in SS. In my DJ days I used the 4B animalistically. 4 hours (six on New Year's Eve) with the clipping lights blinking like mad. Never overheated/distorted. A work horse. In my home system: a strong B in the midrange and treble coupled with an Audio Research Pre.
I had a 4BST for several years and then the 7BST monoblocks until I became a fan of Krell. Bryston makes great sounding, solid equipment that I never found to anything but well balanced. The only drawback for me was an inability to handle very difficult loads at loud volumes like the original Thiel CS7.

Having said that, my friend in Montreal still has his original 2B powering Thiel CS0.5s and that little system still sounds full and sweet.
My 4B never had a problem running tough loads. Ran Magnaplanar Tympani 1Ds. Talk about a difficult load. 4BST and the 7BST? No experience, but the 4B was a gem. Don't they still have their 20 year warranty?