Anyone using Nuforce Ref 9 Mono Blocks?

I've just started reading up on this amp. Does anyone have experience with this brand?
Actually I did a search after my post and couldn't believe the threads I found.

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I have a Luxman M-03 amp, 16 yrs old, and it weighs approx 60 lbs. It's hard to believe that amps weighing 7 Ibs have more power and better sound, amazing.
Yes, I am a dealer so I'll give you a bit of Nu Force perspective.

I heard the hub bub about Nu Force about a year ago or so after the original 9s came out. The idea and physical attributes of the amplifiers seemed intriguing, so I became a dealer after reading all the press and reviews and thinking to myself this is "too good to be true," after all 160 watts in a box the size of a pop tart box It just can't be real.

The Nu Force 9 are fascinating amplifiers, fast deep and tight bass, a good sized soundstage and a lot of clarity.

I liked the 9s but honestly I didn't love the midrange which was a little dry. The amps sounded great but not ultimatly to my taste, then the 9Se came out and the same cycle was started again, with the killer press, so I ordered them.

Game over now! The 9Se is a different kettle of fish, the 9se had the same attributes as the 9s but with a liquid midrange and they did everything better.

So if budget is an issue get a pair of 9's but save your pennies for the upgrade to the Se version! This is dollar for dollar one of the finest sets of amplfiers out there and really fullfills the promise of what a switching amplifier can really do!

I hope this helps.
Ideally I'd love to listen to a Bryston 4B SST and NuForce sie-by-side but I can't, so I have to rely on reviews and the opinion of others.

So far NuForce sounds good but I've heard that Bryston is very good as well.

Thoughts anyone?