Threshold T200?

I'm auditioning a Threshold T200 amp. Not a lot of slam, but for what I listen to -- mostly classical and jazz -- it sounds great.

It's hard to find anything about this amp online, as the company went under, then resurrected under new ownership.

Any issues with this amp? Should I take the plunge?
> IGBT transitors were obsolete

I find it hard to believe that in a world where vacuum tubes that haven't been in production for 50 years are still available on the NOS (new old stock) market that there will be any serious problem repairing the amp if that need arises.
Unsound, I agree that the caps normally go before the transistors. I haven't heard of any new IGBT's though. Jon Soderberg would know better than me though, I only mention it as a caution.

Mlsstl, yes NOS tubes are much more availible, mostly because Threshold invented/patented and are the only ones to use IGBT's (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors). It was a marriage of MOSFET's and Bi-Polar transistors, the best of both worlds, if you will.

They do sound incredible, possibly as good as you can get with a silicon chip. The reliability and replacement are the only issues.

Qualia8, I bought my T400 from a local friend for $1800 about 5 years ago. I sold it for $2000 about 3 years ago.
Is my current sound better? No. It may have been for awhile (this is all in our heads, remember?) I would say that I did spend many times (3X?) more money to get what I thought was better sound.

I did really love the T400, and truth be told, I probably never really upgraded at all. The sound changed.....change is not always an improvement though.........

Thanks for the advice, everyone. I ended up getting it for 1250. Now, any suggestions for upgrading other parts of my system to match this amp?
Good deal. Congrats Qualia8. I cannot say that I've heard your AI preamp with your T200, but having heard them seperately, I would think that you could not do better value wise. I'm not a big fan of Revel speakers, but a good friend of mine is, and they sound pretty good in his system.

I would think that your next upgrade would be on the digital front end, or maybe you should first install dedicated lines and deal with cabling/power sources.

I guess to really answer your question one would want to know just exactly what you feel is lacking from your current setup.From my previous experiences', you have to tread lightly once you get a sound that you are fairly happy with. It is easier to screw things up than to acquire perfection.
