Speaker match with Pass Labs XA-160

Just upgraded to XA-160 monos. Currently running X-350 with an X-1 pre. Speakers are Audio Physic Virgo IIs with REL Storm III subs in stereo config. Any thoughts on full range speakers that would match well with these gems.
Thank you all for your thoughts and insights. I will be keeping my Virgos and Rel Subs no matter what I purchase in the a full range speaker. My short list: Audio Physic Avante III, Wilson Watt 7s or possibly B&W 802Ds.
To Raul
I believe it is possible to intergrate Stereo subs into your system. Just overlap the rolloff points to suit the room responce. My Virgos rolloff at approx 38 hertz I set my Rels crossovers to approx 40. Works well with good recordings... not so well with others... But one always has the option of adjusting Sub volume or crossover points for each recording... a big advantage over full range speakers. Hey nothings perfect!
Thanks again all!
If you are staying with Audio Physic, there is an Avanti V out in about a month.

I have BW 802d and I talked directly to Pass about whether I should get the x600.5 or the XA160. They emphatically recommend the x600.5. So in case you end up getting the 802d that is something to consider.
Dear Greg: I'm sorry to insist, the magic to integrate a pair of self powered subwoofers in true stereo way belongs to the crossover frequency selected: 38Hz/40Hz is to low crossover frequency, is a wrong one.
The first target ( and where the magic is ) when we integrate sub's is to liberate the main speakers ( Virgo ) of frequencies below 80Hz, these frequencies will take it for the sub's down to the very low bass octave. In this manner you will have the low bass ( foundation of the music ) that your main speakers can't handle/give and at the same time your main speakers ( that now are liberated of the frequencies below 80Hz ) will shine with a great mid bass/mid range/high frequency clarity, transparency, natural tonal balance that you can't have it at this moment and that a full range speaker can't beat.

Greg, the crossover frequency must be near 80Hz: in the low pass and high pass crossover filters. What you are doing today does not help to improve the quality sound reproduction in your system and that's why you posted what you are experienced in your system: " Works well with good recordings... not so well with others... ".

The problem is that your REL's does not have a high pass filter, then you need an external crossover to set-up in the right way.
Like I alredy told you: a main speaker/sub wired in the right way ( with same quality speaker level build ) beats almost any non self powered full range speaker. No question about.

Regards and enjoy the music.

I understand your what you are saying. I do not think you understand my point... It is the room and the recording that makes the difference. Setting my Rels up to 80 hertz, in my room.... I could surf on the low level wave created by my room response. My Virgos are not bass shy. They are rated to 34 hertz, they are not bookself speakers. When I (as you call reinforce the bass) I also effect changes in the midrange that are very appealing and not minor events that are hard to hear. My crossover points and sub volume may change w/some recordings, but if I had nothing to do but listen to the music..... I would not feel like a true Stereo operator. Ha!
I hope you enjoy your system as much as I. I truly enjoy the exchange of views.
Cheers, Greg