Speaker match with Pass Labs XA-160

Just upgraded to XA-160 monos. Currently running X-350 with an X-1 pre. Speakers are Audio Physic Virgo IIs with REL Storm III subs in stereo config. Any thoughts on full range speakers that would match well with these gems.
I persoanlly prefer the Pass LSXRTXA-460 unit. Much much much better resolution, power, dynamics, speed, highs/bass all superior
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I thought the Pass LSXRTXA-460 was only a prototype. When did you get the opportunity to hear this amp? How did it compare to the XA 160? A comparison would be helpful considering the XA 160 is the amp Gandme was looking to get some meaningful input?
The Pass LSXRTXA-460 is only available in Louisiana to the hearing impaired.

Contact Bartok for details.
I'm trying to get Gan to look at his system. The names mean something.
IOW I'd personally never buy anything witha X in its title. All his stuff has an X in it. Whats with the X.
Jadis NEVER uses an X in any of their amps names. Cayin also. Tyler speakers does not use the letter X. If these labs use a letter or number its something that is understandable right off.
I just don't get why all these new equipment uses all these letters and numbers. Its some gimmick, some ploy.
My 2 cents.
good luck Gan.