Speaker match with Pass Labs XA-160

Just upgraded to XA-160 monos. Currently running X-350 with an X-1 pre. Speakers are Audio Physic Virgo IIs with REL Storm III subs in stereo config. Any thoughts on full range speakers that would match well with these gems.
tvad, I just neglected to add your name to my last comment!
Boa, I did appreciate the recommendation for the Andra IIs, several members decided at some point to disregard the original thread to become 12 year old standup comedians(you being one of them with an apologetic opinion of those stuck listing to Pass gear)
When I started this thread, I had no idea what Speakers were in combo with XA-160s out in the Audiogon community. I have Audio Physic Virgo IIs in my system with no other pre conceived opinions of what works well with these fine Amps. Boa's critique of the Pass sound indicates he does not like the differences in recordings(good or bad)He would like them all to sound the same! There are many great Amps in this world, most reproduce the recorded sound without putting a heavy signature of their own upon it. Pass Labs accomplishes this as good as any manufacturer. If you don't like their signature do not respond to threads that you have no interest in. I suggest you have your hearing checked, and seek help with your obsesesive/compulsive behavior.

Post removed 
There's a review of the Audio Physic Caldera by Grant Samuelsen in Stereo Times:

Grant Samuelsen

13 February 2002

You'd need to go to www.stereotimes.com and search in the Archives under Audio Physic Caldera. Grant contributed to another thread about Calderas and said that they were superior to the Virgo 3's, even as good as the Virgos are.
gandme and the rest,
i thought this would be a thread that would provide insight to a member who needed advice. Didn't think this one would turn into a urination contest. The question was direct........"Any thoughts on full range speakers that would match well with these gems." The first few responses were helpful, "i"ve heard these and they sound good" , "this speaker combo with Pass is great," "I called Pass labs and they said these would sound great". Then the perversion started. People who didn't like Pass labs thought it would be neat to to respond, or those who don't know about Pass labs wanted to pontificate on how a different amp might be better.
The queation is , does anyone out there have Pass Labs XA-160's and a speaker combination that sounds good?
Truer words couldn't be spoken/typed,although the XA-160s are currently up for sale-here on the Gon.