Gmood, where did you put your buffer and what did you use?
What you have is basically an active preamp broken into several sections. An active preamp usually consists of some switching - maybe an active gain stage that also acts as a buffer - passive volume control - maybe another gain stage which also acts as a buffer.
Most go switching - volume control - active stage, but some, like at least some VAC preamps, go switching - active stage - volume control.
The beauty of the active is that the designer can optimize the interaction of the gain stages and the volume control. Much tougher to do out here in the real world. So people try a pasive and fail and dismiss them and blame it on the fact that it is passive. Kind of ironic really considering that at the heart of their active preamp is a passive volume control.
What you have is basically an active preamp broken into several sections. An active preamp usually consists of some switching - maybe an active gain stage that also acts as a buffer - passive volume control - maybe another gain stage which also acts as a buffer.
Most go switching - volume control - active stage, but some, like at least some VAC preamps, go switching - active stage - volume control.
The beauty of the active is that the designer can optimize the interaction of the gain stages and the volume control. Much tougher to do out here in the real world. So people try a pasive and fail and dismiss them and blame it on the fact that it is passive. Kind of ironic really considering that at the heart of their active preamp is a passive volume control.