Passive Pre - No Regrets?

I'm interested in hearing from folks who have moved from a high quality active preamp (I'm currently using a CAT SL1 Ulitmate)to a passive preamp and have had no regrets. I'm particularly interested in hearing from those that have switched to a Placette or Sonic Euphoria (the two I'm considering). I'm using a CAT JL2 Amp feeding Merling VSM-MX.
I own a placette rvc and an aesthetix calypso.
After 6 months living with both, I must confess that I prefer placette. Aesthetix is a very good pre and I bought it after making a home audition with hovland 100, hovland 200, first sound deluxe and vtl 5.5. Unfortunately it does not stand a chance against aesthetix in terms of speed, transparency, soundstage.
Gmood1; I dont think you ever told us about the Bent NOH against the Promitheus on the TVC shoot out, what are your findings?

Jsadurni, I like both units. I couldn't pick a real winner. Both units sounded about the same too me. The Bent was setup with 6dB extra gain. So it wasn't easy to get a volume match on both units. The Bent is the better built of the two..being all metal. Performance wise..dollar for dollar the nod goes to the Promitheus. At the is unmatched at what it does.. and far beyond the price. I had communications with several owners and people that have tried one out. It may surprise some the preamps and CDPs direct that have been pitted against the little guy.

Modwright,SAS,Conrad Johnson 17LS, Copland, Loecsh/Weisner and Wright preamps,Audio Research,Wadia 860 and Levinson CDP straight into amplifiers. That's just a few of the ones I've come across...the list goes on!

If you didn't take my advice before Jsadurni and pick one up earlier. The waiting list is so long's almost insane!.. 2 to 3 months at least.

I ordered two more, one for me and the other for a slaughtered his Eastern Electric'll see I've sold it on Agon recently...these two are the Reference versions with fully balanced trannies,solid silver RCAs, metal top/bottom plates and a few other additions to my basic version.
Audiomadness, I'm confused by your statement: "Unfortunately it does not stand a chance against aesthetix in terms of speed, transparency, soundstage." Is the "it" the Placette you prefer to the Aesthetix, or to the group of other pres you auditioned versus the Aesthetix? I can't imagine that an active could beat a passive in terms of speed and transparency. Just looking for clarification.
Pubul57, given my personal experience with 5 passive units, I suspect he is suggesting that any passive unit cannot give the speed, transparency, and soundstage of at least some active units. I personally value the purity of passive units caused, I believe, by their lack of parts, but I have never been able to tolerate the lack of their ability to give the pace of live music. This is largely the lack of dynamics and probably reflects their not having the matching of impedances that is present in active units.