superphon revelation

I have an older superphon basic revelation I want to do the blackgate mods i dont know were to start . I have tried to contact stan warren but I get know answer. I would like to get some info ,
are you sure that the caps are 16v the original are 35v. did you do any thing with the 1000v caps at the supply side
Standard 16v work fine, I did not replace anything in the power supply side except the rectifier bridges.
To confirm the capacitor voltage requirements, before you get the replacement caps, measure the voltage across the existing caps. If it is less than ~ 14VDC, then a 16V rated cap would be ok. I wouldn't use an electrolytic cap above 90% of its rated voltage. It you use it above its rated voltage it could blow up. The closer you run to its rated voltage or if you run a little above its rating you will degrade it's life.