I contacted Conv. Audio today and spoke with one of their technicians. The preamp that I have is line stage only which I was informed has the CD taper volume control unit. This CD taper volume control unit has smaller changes built in the unit (meaning more) vs. the Ultimate pre w/phono which has fewer stepped changes. I was advised to e-mail Ken to see if there is any other way through Conv. Audio themselves to achieve this. I'll keep you posted.
I contacted Conv. Audio today and spoke with one of their technicians. The preamp that I have is line stage only which I was informed has the CD taper volume control unit. This CD taper volume control unit has smaller changes built in the unit (meaning more) vs. the Ultimate pre w/phono which has fewer stepped changes. I was advised to e-mail Ken to see if there is any other way through Conv. Audio themselves to achieve this. I'll keep you posted.