Improve Bryston B100-SST and Totem Model 1 Sig


I need advises to improve my 6 months old system: Bryston B100-SST, Totem Model One signature, Shanling CDS-100MkII, Kimber cable 8TC, Audioquest King cobra.

The sound is good but only with good recording Cds (Diana Krall, Patricia Barber or recent Steely Dan) but most of times dry and cold with bad CDs (70s).

Should I:

1. Change my Bryston for something warmer and more emotional, if so, which are your recommendations.(Plinius, Unico…)
2. Change my CD player for a let’s say Rega Appolo for a warmer sound.
3. 1 and 2.

I’ve listened a combo at my friend’s home: CJ CAV50, Totem Model One signature, Rega Planet. It’s incredible, hard to believe a 45wpc can make the Totems sings like heaven, unfortunally, the CAV50 are discontinued and I can’t afford higher CJ models.

My budget for a new amp: 2500$ US

I’ve tried Moon I-3 and Totem Arro (my old speakers) at store in Montreal and feel the sound a bit bright, salesman said because the Arro were not broken. Also have tried Totem Model one signature with Rega Cursa/Maia and Marantz CDP (don’t remember the model) at another store; the sound is very, very good, wonder if the combo Rega Cursa/Maia can beat my B100-SST ?

My room: 18X16
Music listened: Pop, Rock, Jazz , Blues, no classic.

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I'm not an expert like the guys above....but why don't you just cut to the chase and get a good quality TUBE amp?

Forget about fiddling with cables, source...getting a tube-like SS amp, just get a good tube amp!

Tubes rule!
Which Bryston(s) have you owned, Tvad?

Ricki, I am not familiar with the other parts of your system, but if you eliminate them as the problem and still feel you do not like the Bryston sound, another good SS choice would be Blue Circle. The NSCS integrated would come in at about the same retail as your Bryston. I would caution against making a jump to tubes (or SET) unless you have carefully analyzed ***all*** of the factors involved.
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