Information on the Conrad Johnson Evolution 2000?

I buying this amp on the recommendation of a friend. I will try this on my Apogee speakers. I understand that they were way overbuilt and fairly rare. I did a search on these hybrid amps from around 1990 and found very little. What are the strengths and limitations of this amp. Are there any tricks to make this amp sound its best? Bob
Plasma, I lost much gear in a divorce also. I had an entire vintage collection sold to pay attorney's fees. Who did you sell it to originally? Mr.Tennis Did you try the amp with other preamps? What speakers did you use them with?
i believe at the time i was using a tmpani 1b speaker.
i only used the evolution 2000 preamp.

i have heard the amp in another system. i still stand by my assessment.
I was wondering if you remember which preamp that you heard with the CJ.
I have been told that it could take a week for these amps to properly reveal themselves. My pair of Evolution 2000s have only been playing for 8 hours. Before this the previous owner had not been played them for at least a year. After 8 hours, they seem very transparent but not with the bloom and richness that you mention. I will report back after the amps get a few days to break-in again. Even in the few hours that they have been on, they sound does seem to be softening from the original hardness that I heard. I am using the amps with the Supratek Chenin on Apogee Scintillas. They seem to have no problem at all with the Scintillas 1 ohm load.
The amps now have about 36 hours on them and they are quite rich sounding. I can't imagine how good they will sound after a week! At this point, I am a very happy camper! Bob