old vs new

this is a strange question that may have been answered already.

If one had say $1000 to spend on an amp or preamp, would one be better of buying somthing new or pick up something that is 5-10 yrs old. I mean would a Mccormack DNA 0.5 be better than a new Odyssey stratos. Or would a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 be better than a new Jolida preamp for the same cost.

Advancement in electronic components/technology must count for something or is the design of the unit/quality of parts that is more important. I hope i'm making sense
I really like old, used preamp and amps for stricter budgets.
They don't wear out as quickly as mechanical components, unlike CDPs there's no new technology that puts their SQ in the shadows, and they yield a wise alternative to integrated amps. One just has to take more care in to what he/she purchases as far reliability and repair.
I think its a valid question..I do all my purchases along that reasoning, but I am researcher by nature.

I settled for a main system with fairly old stuff...

Berning tf10 hybrid pre and EA-230 triode amp. awesome combo as well as the Parasound CDP-2000 Ultra.

Its fun to do especially if your wallet doesnt have long legs.
how often does one have to replace tubes on a preamp. If its once in 4-5 years would be worth while saving up for a tubed unit
replacing tubes depends upon usage, tube life span and sonic preferences.

it also depends upon the tube type and the tube circuit.

it is possible to get several years. 4 to 5 is a maybe.