Has anybody else experienced the magic of Karan??

I just recieved the new Karan dual mono KSA 270 amp and have never heard such a massive change to my system before!!I am running a source direct GNSC Wadia dac and transport with all Virtual Dynamics cabling in a dedicated room.The sound is truly huge in every way imaginable, dynamics,resolution,naturalness,detail.I feel like I hit the lottery of audio!!Are there are others who feel the same way about Karan ??
Well after 3 try's I was able to post my new pic's (I had to replace batteries in the camera )and the internet went down right in the middle of it!!If only you could hear what a picture could sound like.
I just read a recent review in Hifi Plus of the Karan KSA 180 - the smaller dual mono amp in the range.
The verdict? They compared it to the DartZeel and said it would easily compete with products 2-3 times its price.
Karan amps seems very promising, I might try one Karan 450 theese days and let you know.
I have heard the new Karan 1200 monos at HiFi show in London last month, and was mightly impressed. The were paired with Zanden front end, CJ ACT mk II pre and Eidolons Diamonds. I have never heard better sounding diamonds at show conditions !
In a few weeks I will A/B it to a Mc Intosh 6900. Over here in Belgium there is a (small) community of very enthousiast Karan owners. The integrated KSA180 (now available in MK3 with optimized componenets)Karan also has a DAC that would be an absolute giant killer...
If you look for anther "cult amp" try to find out about the french Lavardin IT, also reviewed i HiFi plus as one of those rare examples of pure pmusic.