Arcam AVR 300 vs Rotel Seperates

I currently have an Arcam AVR 300 and was looking at the Rotel RMB 1075 and RSP 1068 processor. Can anyone comment if this would be a significan upgrade for the close to $800 cost? My spakers are Paradigm Studio 60's, CC 470 and ADV rears. I am also upgrading the CD player to a Rotel 1072 or 1055 (5 disk). That may be the upgrade I have been needing. Any comments welcome and appreciated
I own a Rotel 1075 amp and 1068 Preamp. I compared them directly to the Arcam AVR300 in my home. My friend owns the Arcam. We also listened to his new Arcam AVR350 the same night.

Associated gear: Proac Response 3.5 speakers, Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun Speaker cables, Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II IC's, Rotel RDV1050 DVD/CD Player, Black Sand Silver Ref V and Violet Power Cords, FIM Stainless Roller Block Isolation Devices.

The Rotel was clearly more powerful than the Arcam 300. The Rotel Separates had more bass slam and punch in the low end. IC's were XLO Reference II. The Arcam mids and highs may have been slightly more neutral. "slightly".

Enter the Arcam AVR350. VERY impressive! It was clearly more refined sounding than my Rotel Separates. The Arcam AVR350 defined instruments more clearly in their own distinct space. Soundstaging and imaging were sweeter on the Arcam as well. Volume differences were almost indistingishable.

After comparing, I wouldn't hesitate to choose an Arcam AVR 350. But the 300 did not possess the same magic and I preferred the Rotel Separates in that contest.
Thanks for the feedback! Let me ask you this, you are using a Rotel CD player? How do you have it connected? Are you using the DAC's of the 1068 or the CD player? Do you feel the CD player improves the sound?
Keep the Arcam and get a better source or use the money to upgrade the speakers.

There are a couple of Naim CD5i units for sale here on AG for ~ a grand. Put that up front with what you have and see what happens. :-)
Thanks for the response. Just a couple questions, correct me if I am wrong. If I upgrade the source, was looking at a Rotel RCD 1072 CD player, I would need to connect in analog bipass mode to use the DAC's of the CD player? If I am in bypass mode there will be no sub output? If I were to connect the RCD 1072 via an optical cable, I would still be using the DAC's of the Arcam, so there would be little if any improvement over my Onkyo CD player. Just trying to determine if upgrading the CD player would be worth the $$$$ Thanks for replies
CD player analog out -> Arcam = CD Player DACs
CD player optical out -> Arcam = Arcam DACs

I think you'll get the sound you're looking for more with a DAC1 than upgrading the transport. ;-)