Arcam AVR 300 vs Rotel Seperates

I currently have an Arcam AVR 300 and was looking at the Rotel RMB 1075 and RSP 1068 processor. Can anyone comment if this would be a significan upgrade for the close to $800 cost? My spakers are Paradigm Studio 60's, CC 470 and ADV rears. I am also upgrading the CD player to a Rotel 1072 or 1055 (5 disk). That may be the upgrade I have been needing. Any comments welcome and appreciated
Thanks for the response. Just a couple questions, correct me if I am wrong. If I upgrade the source, was looking at a Rotel RCD 1072 CD player, I would need to connect in analog bipass mode to use the DAC's of the CD player? If I am in bypass mode there will be no sub output? If I were to connect the RCD 1072 via an optical cable, I would still be using the DAC's of the Arcam, so there would be little if any improvement over my Onkyo CD player. Just trying to determine if upgrading the CD player would be worth the $$$$ Thanks for replies
CD player analog out -> Arcam = CD Player DACs
CD player optical out -> Arcam = Arcam DACs

I think you'll get the sound you're looking for more with a DAC1 than upgrading the transport. ;-)
Well, I went with the CD player (RCD 1072), but it was not nearly the upgrade I was hoping for. In fact I preferred the sound of the optical input of the AVR 300, thus I concluded the DAC's in the Arcam are bettter. I was now looking at the possibility of adding a 5 channel amp (maybe Rotel RMB 1075) and using the AVR as a Pre/Pro. Question, in this set up is the receiver only running off the power of the amp or is it still using the power that it has? Any thoughts on how this would improve things. Also, the other option for about the same money, would be to purchase an external DAC. Any advise is appreciated....
I don't doubt you heard little difference with this CDP. Your receiver is a very good sounding unit and as you know it's claim to fame is it's musical abilities. But, as Groberts3 pointed out, the AVR-350 is much better, and many have confirmed this. Rather than a five channel amp why not just sale the 300 and upgrade to the 350?

When you use the digital input your using the DAC's of the Arcam and when you use analog inputs, i.e. CD input, you will be using the DACs of the Rotel.

I was using (and still own) a Sony DVP NS999ES which has terrible Redbook CD playback, but fairly good (not great) SACD performance. I bought the Arcam AVP-700 (similar to the AVR-350 receiver with a few extras)and, like you, I found the DAC in the Arcam sounded better than my Sony with Redbook CD's.

I got sick of trying to find good SACD's and decided to find a better RB source player. After months of research I chose a new Naim CD5i ($2000 budget)and couldn't be happier. Is it the best on the planet? Certainly not. Is it the best in it's price range? Dunno? But, its darned good.

This unit playing RB CD's is much better than my Sony with SACD's. It's not the most detaled, doesn't have the most extented highs, etc. but, to me it just sounds realistic. And the PRAT Naim equipment is noted for is no joke. You forget about evaluating your CDP and strat listening to the music again.

I've seen units less than a year old go for a grand here on AG and your going to be hard pressed to find better for the money. Get one of these and I bet the difference wont be small. :-)

What cables are you using? I know some are going to say different, but IMO crappy cables can mask equipment differences.

BTW, you can use the two channel stereo mode witout the by-pass feature. With this mode the signal is routed through the digital circuits so you have the ability to use your cross overs and sub. When you do an A/B between this mode and by-pass you will easily hear the difference in the mid-range and lower treble.
Jack - I agree re: the CD5i. I think it sounds fantastic for the money, especially at the prices they can be had for used.