Nsgarch - My system pix are dated and need revision. My Klipsch horn speakers are temporarily in storage. I listen primarily to two systems, one tube, on SS. Along with the Muse 2+ DAC, which I still love though it is long in the tooth as far as current technology is concerned, I also use a Wavelength Brick (also a great DAC). Dedicated circuits, power conditioning, decent cabling, blahbadeeblahblah. I enjoy both systems. They sound entirely different. I don't give a tinker's cuss whether either could be called accurate, or either could be called "colored". Both are very easy to listen to at length, both very compelling. I enjoy listening to certain music more on the tube rig, and other music sounds best to me on the SS rig. They are quite different, and have different strengths and weaknesses. The tube SET system is very seductive and dimensional. The SS is more detailed and impactful but has a more 2-dimensional soundstage. The SS is currently in transition (I just changed amps). I agree that SS can be very enjoyable in its own right and does not have to be fatiguing or hard on the ears. But I kind of missed the point you were making in bringing up my system and comparing it to your current system. Could you clarify that? I may be missing something.
I'll third the Bedini vote (not the pasta, the amp). I had a 25/25 for a while that was a very enjoyable amp. I would have called it a 'warm' amp as well. I'm sorry, Mr. Tennis, but I'm not versed, nor inclined to such objective and analytical ways of describing and understanding this stuff. I can say that I've heard SS amps that are fatiguing and unpleasent to my ears as they were implemented, in spite of the fact that others seemed to like them. I've also heard SS amps that sound great and do many things right. Does this imply they fit your criteria. I have no idea, nor does in concern me, (nor should it). For whatever reason, and I cannot pin it down to frequency response, I would probably call these amps "warm" sounding if pressed to put words to it, and some of them also exhibit remarkable detail. But perhaps they might be the very amps that you disdain.
I'll third the Bedini vote (not the pasta, the amp). I had a 25/25 for a while that was a very enjoyable amp. I would have called it a 'warm' amp as well. I'm sorry, Mr. Tennis, but I'm not versed, nor inclined to such objective and analytical ways of describing and understanding this stuff. I can say that I've heard SS amps that are fatiguing and unpleasent to my ears as they were implemented, in spite of the fact that others seemed to like them. I've also heard SS amps that sound great and do many things right. Does this imply they fit your criteria. I have no idea, nor does in concern me, (nor should it). For whatever reason, and I cannot pin it down to frequency response, I would probably call these amps "warm" sounding if pressed to put words to it, and some of them also exhibit remarkable detail. But perhaps they might be the very amps that you disdain.