Powering on/off amps with preamp trigger

Hi, I want to use my preamp trigger to power on and off my amps. I have read that people prefer to power on the amps after the preamp and power off the amps before the preamp. If I use the preamp trigger, then power off and power on would be simultaneous with the preamp. Is there a danger in this? If so, what are they and why do people prefer to stagger the power cycling of the amps and preamp?

Oh yeah, before any one says it, I am an indeed too lazy to take the extra step of turning on and off my monoblocks. Yes, this is purely a matter of convenience for me.
Thanks Newbee for your detailed response. I think I can have my classe cp-700 preamp startup either in mute or with 0 volume. Is 0 volume the same as mute? In other words will it prevent any sound or signal from being passed to the amps?

Arni, unfortunately for me, my amps idle at 550W!! so leaving them on all the time is not an option!!!!!
Tbooze, Zero volume is not mute.

I really am not familar with your pre-amp. Most pre-amps have the volume contols before the amplifing stage so the amp is always seeing the full output of the pre-amps line stage. The volume control only lowers the signal from the source coming into the pre-amp, it doesn't lower the signal from the pre-amplifiers amplifing stage.

A mute circuit typically cuts off the signal after the amplifing stage and is the best way to insure that 'no' signal passes from your pre-amp to the amp. Without a mute engaged your amp is totally exposed to warm up irregularities and shut off issues.

Hope that helps a bit.
whenever I turn off my amps I always turn volume to zero as well as mute the preamp,

When I turn on my preamp it always comes on at zero volume (ARC Ref3)

The potential for blwing a driver exists if you turn off your preamp before your amp. Good speakers will blow a resistor before the friver but the transient to the speaker can be excessive.
As been stated...
Pre on first, amps second. Amps off first, pre second. Zero volume and mute. I don't have a 12v trigger on my pre, but do on my monoblocks. I wired one amp to trigger the other amp (one less button to push), and the JC-1's have a timer delay. So, one amp powers up nice and slow, then triggers the other amp, which powers up nice and slow.
Thanks everyone. I will heed the advice and do what everyone says. Here is how I will accomplsh this using my pre which has 2 output triggers (by the way, my pre allows me to assign the triggers to my remote so I can manually turn on or off the trigger):

One solution is to use a normally open 12v relay. I can use trigger #2 to actuate the relay. I can then wire trigger #1 to this relay. So when the cp is powered up, trigger #1 will output 12v (assuming normal logic). I can then assign one of the remote function keys to toggle the relay. After the cp is turned on, I can then use trigger #2 to open the relay allowing trigger #1 to power up my amps. Before powering down the cp, I will toggle trigger #2 so that the relay is open, essentially cutting power from trigger #1 that my amps see.

What does everyone think?