Which amps with B&W 800D's... Pass Labs or Classe?

I am finally down to the wire... I am considering either the Pass Labs X350.5, a pair of the X600's, or a pair of the Classe CA-M400's to power my B&W 800D's. I am having the hardest time making this decision. I love my music loud, and I listen to alot of large-scale symphonic music, choral music, jazz, and various recordings that are very grand in nature. I am planning on incorporating a center channel and surrounds eventually in a theater and multi-channel setup and I would like to use the same brand of amp for those speakers once I decide to add them. I have heard great things about all of the amps above, but I cannot make that final leap of faith. Are the Pass Labs amps and the CA-M400's from Classe in the same league? I would love to get the Omega Omicron monos, but the budget does not exist for those right now. If I get the Pass Labs X600's, I am considering upgrading to the X600.5's when the budget allows. I have heard great things about the class-a capability of the Pass Labs amps. I am not keen on bi-amping and I really need some help in making this decision. I look forward to your advice! Thanks.


Dave (Mad14)
We listened just yesterady to many amps on the B&W800D's which are a pig of a load (combined impedance and - phase angle), and the amp that won was the one that could double it's wattage for each halving of impedeance from 8 to 4 to 2ohms.
And the only one game enough to advertise this out of all the amps that you listed that do this right down to 2ohms, is the Classe Omega Omicron Monos.

Cheers George
I have used B&W 800 series speakers for over 10 years. Starting with the original N800 to the latest 800 Diamond. The speakers had been driven by high power tube amps like Sonic Frontiers Power 3 and Audio Research Reference 250 and solid state amps like Mark Levinson 436 and Pass Labs Xs150.
I think I know the sonic signature of B&W 800D. The treble extends to the top but the presentation is light and no bang. The bass goes deep and tonal but not tight enough for some people. The midrange is the weakest part. The borderless driver lacks dynamics and resolution when compared with more resolving speakers like Wilson Audio.
B&W has to be driven by high power solid state amp with fast and bright sound to compensate the speaker deficiency. Class A Pass Labs is not a good match because it has more a tube sound than many tube amps. Top model Classe should match it well.
Classe' is a natural, sonic match for those B&W speakers.
Especially, seek out the Omega series- it will be worth it.
Top it all off w/ Transparent cables/cords and you are set!
Happy Listening.
The border less driver lacks dynamics and resolution when compared with more resolving speakers like Wilson Audio. ???

 What? Seriously ???  Wilson speakers over B&W's   LOLOLOL
 I've Wilson's and sounded bright and involving. I asked the guy to turn them off. For crying out loud they don't even make their own drivers, they buy them. Wilson can't even design a cross over as he has to hire an engineer to do it for him while he sits down with a drink in his hand acting like Mr. Sophisticated. Wilson speakers are in my opioun one of the most over price speakers I have ever heard, seen, and read about about. Definitely for people with more money than brains. I wouldn't touch a Wilson with a ten foot pole and yes, I have heard B&W's as well as other brands absolutely smoke them.
I've heard Wilson's and they sounded bright and non-involving.

When I was told how much they cost, I had to leave the store in order to control my laughing. What a complete rip off to the audiophile community.