Denf, the Ayre MX-R monoblocks retail for $17000.00. I auditioned them in a total Ayre system driving MG-3.6's. I found them quite good except in two areas: 1) Not as much "air" around each player in the soundstage, along with the soundstage not as deep as I'm used to with my home system. 2) I find all Ayre amps to be "easy" with liquity, but somewhat lacking macrodynamics or "aliveness" for my ear's, this would include the MX-R monoblocks.
If you like the Ayre house sound, you will love these new monoblocks. It's all about personnal taste and system synergy, my personnal taste in this price range is the Pass Labs XA series or if you need much more current/drive the Pass Labs X .5 series.
If you like the Ayre house sound, you will love these new monoblocks. It's all about personnal taste and system synergy, my personnal taste in this price range is the Pass Labs XA series or if you need much more current/drive the Pass Labs X .5 series.