AHs anyone heard the new Ayre MX-R mono blocs?

I have always liked the sound of Ayre gear and expect great things from them with their new MX-R mono block amps. Has anyone heard them? How do they compare to other amps in same price range? WHAT is the price of these?

Denf, the Ayre MX-R monoblocks retail for $17000.00. I auditioned them in a total Ayre system driving MG-3.6's. I found them quite good except in two areas: 1) Not as much "air" around each player in the soundstage, along with the soundstage not as deep as I'm used to with my home system. 2) I find all Ayre amps to be "easy" with liquity, but somewhat lacking macrodynamics or "aliveness" for my ear's, this would include the MX-R monoblocks.

If you like the Ayre house sound, you will love these new monoblocks. It's all about personnal taste and system synergy, my personnal taste in this price range is the Pass Labs XA series or if you need much more current/drive the Pass Labs X .5 series.
I don't know who gave Teajay the $17K figure, but I confirmed with the factory this morning that the pricing is $16,500 for a pair in silver and $16,750 a pair in black. But what's a few hundred dollars between friend.
Just got back from an audition of the new Ayre amps. WONDERFUL! I have heard this system many times using VPI table with dynavector cartridge, Ayre phonostage, Ayre K-1xe preamp, C-5xe, and the V-1xe amp. Speakers have been the Thiel 2.4 with Thiel subwoofer. Always made beautiful music. I know you hear this line alot....but it is true. This system went to another level in all areas. So clean and focused. Huge, detailed soundstage. Smooth and musical as can be. I have been copying this system since I got my Thiel CS7.2s. I am using the K-1xe, P-5xe, and will have the C-5xe shortly. I also use a VPI table and dynavector cartridge. However I have been using the parasound JC-1 monoblocks. Great amps. But I am now 100% sure what there replacements will be.
Now.....who needs a kidney?
Tom hankins, a question asked with total respect, are you the kind of audiophile that would only audition one brand or one pair of amps before making your purchase?

Even if the Ayre's did not cost $16,500.00 I would audition as many amps as I could in my home system before settling on what I would buy. It's a pain in the butt, but at least you know without any doubts that you have made the right choice. Then, if we take into consideration the price point, about 17K, there are at least three other Solid State amps that could be considered, Edge NL-12.1, Pass Labs XA-160's/X-600.5 and the new reference level Krell's.

At this level it's all about personnal taste and system synergy, that's why I would be surprized if you did not audition some of the other amps at this reference point.
I've owned Krell amps on two different occasions. I have spent time with the Pass gear. Mainly the 350.5 and 600 monos. Also tried Levinson. Have spent lots of time in front of several ARC and Mac amps. Since I got the Thiels I listened to alot of different gear with them or other Thiel models. (I have been on a major hunt) It came down to building a system of either Pass or Ayre gear in front of them. In the end I decided I liked the Ayre stuff better and bought the preamp and phonostage. The C-5xe is next in line.
Even at this point I had not decided on what amplification to use. The JC-1s sound very good and I am really in no hurry. The front runner was either the Pass 350.5. or 600.5s. (Have not heard the 600.5 but liked the 350.5 over the 600s)
After hearing how truly wonderful the Thiels were last night using the same gear I already own, and the new Ayre monoblocks. My decision was made. With my system, using my sources, and mainly with the Thiel speakers. The all Ayre system sounds better (to me) than any other electronics/speaker combo I have heard.
Not that it matters, but they are very nice looking and dont wheigh a ton. Plus they wont heat the heck out of my room as much as what I have in there now.