A question regarding "tubes"

This may me a dumb question but does all tube products (amps, CD player and pre amps) roll off, or softens the highs and gives up some bass slam.
its just the 'nature' of a tube vs a transister. some hit bass botes better than others, but tube gear is genrally pursued for audible virtues other than that low note.
Try an OTL for great bass and treble as well as a superb midrange in a tube amp. Atma-sphere does the entire spectrum very well. Bass is not "Krell-like" but is deep and tuneful. Highend shimmers and the mids are what you expect from tubes. Add a fast rise time for a great transient response with the OTL configuration and you get a great all around amp.
This is just my feeling but: To me Bass slam is great but its not the most important factor . My guess is many tube guys/gals feel the same way. They probably pursued and stick with tubes and will give up a touch of slam and consider the whole musical package vs. bass slam only...Not sure if that makes any sense to you.For me its all about a system balance.....
Tubes have just as much bandwidth as transistors. The idea that tubes give up bass slam or anything like that is really nothing more than urban legend.
Do you find your BATs soft and lacking treble?
Aball (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers)

Not so much soft but compared with my other amp the Ayre V-1xe which I will post as well soon. Yes, the treble is not as detailed in the BAT 75se. But I will say that the BAT more then makes up with its very impressive sounding midrange. The bass with the 75se is excellent, but lacks the slam.

The problem I have (I believe) is more with my CD player the BAT Vk-D5se. it’s a very EZ sounding player but not in the same league as my turntable. The turntable has better dynamics and is way more detailed.

I have been reading up on some of the other CD Players out there like:

1. C-5xe Universal Stereo Player
2. Reimyo CDP777
3. Esoteric X-01
4. Dcs P8i

I don’t ready care about SACD I just want a one box CD player if any of you have any experience on how one of these players can improve my system without losing that analog magic please step in. (around 8k used).