A question regarding "tubes"

This may me a dumb question but does all tube products (amps, CD player and pre amps) roll off, or softens the highs and gives up some bass slam.
the bat rolls off the treble ??? no way. the bat tube amp is very open and detailed, verging on the edgy. i have heard bat systems many times and have asked the questions why don't bat amps, preamps and cd players sound like tubes.

however, the real problem is most amps, preamps, cd players fabricated in 2006 using today's digital recordings as sources have too much energy in the upper mids and lower treble. i have been looking for an amp for 2 years and i have not found one amp offering 75 watts or more that i would want to own.

i am currently looking for a cj mv 125, the best amp i have ever heard.

it's a problem out there finding components with subtractive coloration. manufacturers are mindful of reviewr's comments about that kind of coloration. consumers are taught to believe that resolution is the epitome of sound quality.
If your willing to spend a lot less, Njoe Tjoeb. I like the stock unit sound for my cd mix of a bit of everything (a bit forgiving but not carried away with it). The upgraded dac version of the Tjoeb is supposed to be more detail oriented if that is your thing.
Maybe its time for you to think outside the box a bit. First I doubt that you will ever successfully optomize one system for both digital and analog, at least I haven't. Up until recently the digital always took second place. Until recently.

Short story - I bought a Wadia 302 ran it thru my main system - it was very good but really was not a great improvement just a little different. Then I connected it direct to a tubed PP amp. Huge difference! Slam, detail, dynamics, etc all without an apparent downside. I now have two seperate systems and one set of speakers. One system for digital and one for analog (and other sources). I now actually prefer the simplified digial system over my analog system. Maybe I need a better analog system now, but/or I can probably even do better with a better CDP or amp, but I'm happy as hell as it is. FWIW!
Many tubes will do more aggressive sound than solid state.. Many think the tube nature is to roll of etc.. some tubes have wider bandwith and more attack than several of the widely used transistors on the market. Thats where tube rolling and synergy get sticky to know what direction you need to take things to make enjoyable music.