Odyssey Stratos or Krell 400Xi for Usher 6381's

Do you guys think the Stratos amp has enough power for these speakers? If not the standard model, then how about with the cap ugrade?

The other unit I'm looking at is the Krell KAV-400Xi integrated. From what I've read it has good power.

I've sold my amp so I have to get serious about finding a replacment.

Naim CD5i for source. Arcam AVP-700 would be used in by-pass mode for pre-amp if I go with a seperate amp vice an itegrated.

You thoughts please.
For the Stratos, the dual mono (180 wpc) is one way to go; 20% more power than the regular Stratos, if the specs are to be believed. One just sold here for $1250. I have the extreme version, and enjoy it; I'll also join the choir about how great Klaus is to deal with, including supporting gear purchased used. Don't know the Krell, but it looks like a bigger investment for you (one listed for $1850), since you've got the pre covered.

The odyssey extreme stereo, or the Dual Mono would be good... They don't really have more power per watt I believe but they have higher capacitance and the Amperage out goes way up... Current controls the speakers so I would guess this is a good way to get super high current. I think they hit something like 120 amps per channel, so if you go look at most of your amps out there they are normally only somewhere between 20 amps to maybe 50 amps per channel, I know the odysseys lay it down and are not really equaled in this realm, especially for the money.
By the way I noticed in another thread of yours with some concerns about overheating, the Stratos series does not even break room Temp.. Its the coldest lowest noise(no hum) amp I have ever encountered with high power and current like this. you could be stunned when touching it that it never seems to turn on.... Also a lot of the times odyssey recommends leaving them on 24/7 they pull no power and create no heat in my experience.. maybe a couple bucks a month on the power bill but I never noticed it one way or the other with them on playing all the time or not used at all...I had Krell, Classe', Forte, Ps audio, Threshold, Muse, Coda, Bryston and probably a couple more I can't think of that I have had... All ran pretty hot, and a couple RED hot after being on for a couple hours when Driven or sitting at idol.. This just does not happen no matter what I do to the odysseys for 24 hours plus.. very efficient solid amps with better part quality than any for the most part that I owned.