belles 21a preamp

anyone have any experience with the belles 21a tube preamp, with or without the auracap upgrade?

this is my second time posting, the first did not appear, this was a couple of days ago.
Mine came with a 5 year warranty, contact David Belles if it is transferable. Look on the manufacturer web site for some reviews. Also, Blue Mountain Audio in Texas is a dealer for belles as well as Usher, I see you use these speakers, and might be some help. I think the Belles 21A for sale here look really good. Those seem to be very reasonable prices.
i don't know about the one for $1500, the said he bought it aug. 2005 then emails me and says its been in the box unused and only opened to look at.?????
I just bought a 14 month old Belles 350A Reference. I emailed Power modules and asked if the five year warranty was transferable and got an emial back (signed by David Belles)saying the warranty is not transferable.
