Krell KAV 400xi, peak current

Does anyone know the peak current of the Krell KAV 400xi integrated? It doesn't seem to be on the Krell website and I can't find it elsewhere. Thanks.
Thanks for the formula, Audiopath. I'm looking for a new integrated for my B&W 704 speakers. They seem to want a lot of power.
You won't have any problem driving those B&W's with the 400xi. I've got the B&W CDM9 NT's and my Krell drives them easily w/o any hint of struggle. Remember, the Krell peaks at 280 wpc before clipping (according to Stereophile, if I recall correctly), well above its 200 wpc rating.

I'm using the KAV-400xi to power a pair of B&W N802s with very good results. Any B&W Speaker south of the 801 should be fine with this Amplifier. Don't let it's price or size fool you, this is one powerful high-current Amplifier.
Thanks for the responses. I'm sure you're right, that they will power my speakers. Still though, I'm surprised to hear that they're 5 amps. That's pretty small compared to some others I've been looking at such as some MF equipment which is 50 amps.
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