DK Design VS-1 Reference MK3 Noise Issue

Dear DK owners, followers,
I have been a very satisfied DK owner and love the music it produces. I have never doubted their built quality, seeing their massive look and presence. However, I have run into a very odd, annoying issue lately and wanted to know if anyone out there had similar problem. No one from LSA group has gotten back so I am counting on the actual owners' insights here. The issue is, "without the music feed, when I turn to volume up on DK past 11'oclock mark, I hear pretty loud static type(zzz..) of noise from my speakers. It always happens when the volume passes by that area. I have had my unit replaced once and the new unit did not display this issue until after about 20 hours of break-in..Same noise, in same manner, it all came back. And the white noise on the speakers has gotten louder as well.

The dealer says it may be tube, but we aligned on that false assumption, because I own several pairs of new 6922's. Given that two units have dispayed same problem, I am assuming this is not an isolated case.

Has anyone out there experienced this as well and do you know what the solution is ? and what is the quickest way to get a rock solid response from LSA ?I am getting really bothered by it. Last thing I want is to spend over $3000 to learn that the good will run into QA issues down the road, especially this early in the game.

Did you try calling them?I assume you already sent them an email.Best of luck.
yes, have exchanged e-mails with LSA group and it's local importer here and am waiting for their finding. They have been very responsive "so far", including Larry Staple who is the president of the company.
Let us know how you make out as Larry seems to be very good at taking care of issues from what i have read.
hi there, i have the same issue. my hiss came from my phono input when i had something plugged in to the balanced inputs. try this: if you are using balanced inputs, take the cables out. does the hiss go away? mine did.
Hi Rbstehno,
based on the recommendation by DK and by reviewers, I am using singled ended and do not use balance connection at all. If you are having hiss issue when using balanced, that seems like it could be another issue that you should look into.