Best SS amps with sound similar to tube amps

There are some SS or hybrid amps that sounds similar to the tube amps, cost not object, and power equal or more than 100W. Thanks
The sunfire amps I have worked with all have dual outputs, one for voltage (tubelike) and one for current (transistor like). I really don't have that much listening time under my belt on these sunfires..I do know the c-j stuff is better sounding, and at the shop I used to work at we sold many more c-j's than sunfires.
I feel (along with the customers) that sunfire's are overpriced and they are too focused on selling watts. I agree with you that c-j solidstate amps are designed to sound as tube-like as possible. I recall reading their history awhile back..they claimed they didn't want to produce a solidstate amp in the 70's/80's because they sounded horrible compared to their tube designs. I believe they started with the Sonographe designs..around '90. I have heard these and they sound great. My personal favorite is the c-j mf2500a ..I intend to buy one as soon as I can afford one.
Also..any MOSFET amp will produce the same even-order distortion that tube amps opposed to the odd-order distortion produced by bi-polar transistors which sounds bad. I recall c-j/carver also use low feedback designs to sound more tuby. Long live musicality!
Christobyl, while I agree with you on most things, I beg to differ with regards to the wholesale condemnation of bi-polar equiped amps. While it's true mosfet amps generally tend to sound more like tubes, that doesn't necessarily mean that, that's correct or that all bi-polar equiped amps "sound bad". As matter of fact the c-j 2500a you speak so well of has bi-polar output transistors.