Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
Grannyring - the vapor room was packed and very chatty (a chronic problem at these shows. I wish people would take the conversations into the hallway). What I heard I liked. I was in that room late day 1. I only had Friday to cram everything in. In rooms that I'm not interested in the speakers but have gear I'm interested in I onkybtry to get a general feel for like/dislike. If it sounds great then I guess everything just be doing something right. If it sounds not great it's hard to blame any particular part if I'm not familiar with all of the gear. Of cours if I know some of the gear and like it then I can blame what I dont know, or the room. :)

The Ginkgo room was maybe the second room i walked into at around 10am Friday morning. It had probably been on for about 12 minutes before I walked in. So I can't give it a solid eval. I'm just reporting what I heard.

Agear- was the Volti room the one on the lobby level with the gigundous beautiful speakers in that side hallway? If it was, I didn't hear it. I had so little time I skipped rooms I didn't have a direct interest in at least one component in the room. Sorry.
Matt, I was not there, but yes they are old school looking rubenesque monsters...(http://www.voltiaudio.com/vittora.shtml)

I see you are on the hunt for new speakers??? Upgrading?
Agear. I am. I have my beautiful and spectacular Der Muzik's up for sale right now. With the new room, and the absolutely reference level Burnester mono amps and pre-amp I felt it was appropriate to most up to a pair of speakers that equal everything else's limitless capacity. The Der Muzik's perform well beyond their cost and are one step below true reference, which is incredible considering their affordable price pre-owned.

I bought a pair of Evolution Acoustic MM3's to try out. They are spectacular! I'm still playing with their placement, but I believe they will be hard to beat. I did hear a crazy expensive pair of Kharma Exquisite Midi Signatures that blew my mind and would perfectly fit my medium size room, but they are crazy expensive; like they make the MM3's look downright affordable. Lol.

I hope to hear a few other contenders at THE Newport show and I may need to fly elsewhere to hear the last of the contenders.... Not ready to report anything.

I will admit that my friend Guido Corona has partially disowned me as a result of my decision to sell Der Muzik's. They really are exceptional. Especially at a pre-owned asking price of $15,500- :)

Any interest guys?
The MM3 speakers are awesome. I have heard them driven by the Dartzeel 468 monoblocs at full tilt.

The only other such outright onslught that compares would be the new Goldmund Anattas with their Mimesis 32.5 processor with full Proteus DRC/DSP implementation.

Both setups had unrestrained dynamics. With the MM3, we did both Digital and vinyl, and with the Goldmund, just RBCD via Disc spinner.

Not sure you will find anything to beat the MM3 driven by the right electronics. The cheaper MMini 2 speakers are also outstanding....I have to agree with Stereomojo there.
Yep... I am your friend no longer Matt... In conscience I just can't... I mean.... I mean.... Having spent all this time corrupting -- oops... I meant converting -- you to the True Truth... And now you are Up-*Chokes!*-grading from the divine Viennese DIe Muzik to some ginormous whipper-snapper... This constitutes grand audiophilic apostasy *grins!*
