"Reference" Preamps

Seems like every time I turn my head there's a new "reference" preamp available. Heck, in this month's stereophile there are TWO that are better than anything else out there. Seems like their reviewers don't talk to one another.

Problem is that no one in the press ever wants to COMPARE sonics anymore, but they're oh so quick to throw superlatives around, and gush over dozens of subjective attributes.

I want to upgrade my ARC LS25mk2 preamp and would like to know where to spend my time. These are all $10kish msrp preamps that would hopefully fall into the "last preamp I'll ever want to own" category.

Audio Research Reference 3
Ayre K1xe
EAR 912
Mark Levinson 326

Didn't make my list:

Conrad-Johnson ACT2 (no balanced outs)
Hovland HP1000 (no balanced outs)
Lamm Reference 2 (no remote, separate volume controls)

Would someone care to start offering comparative opinions on these? What other preamps should I add to this list?

Just imagine the great gear we never hear of unless we attend the CES, or other events that showcase highend audio. I purchased a Messenger preamp earlier this year. IMHO the Messenger competes with any preamp currently available. It won't make your list. No remote or balanced outs.
Ghunter, I have heard three of the linestages on your audition list and would recommend that you add the Placette Active linestage.

The Placette Active linestage sells for $5000.00 because Guy Hammel sells his creation direct, otherwise it would sell for around $10000.00 thru a retail store.

I auditioned six preamps before settling on the Placette, and it replaced a Mark Levinson reference 32 in my system.

Guy Hammel is a great gentleman to do business with, you get a 30 day home trial, and he can customize the Active anyway you would want it.
Thanks very much for the responses. As I typed the list out I knew I was forgetting something, and the VTL 6.5/7.5 is definitely an option I'm interested in too. I've heard Aesthetix mentioned in high regard, and will investigate further (as with the others).

Now, could you please provide some more relative opinions?

For example, Teajay states that his Placette replaced a Mark Levinson preamp, and auditioned six others along the way. What did the Placette excel at that made you buy one? Was it more detail than the Levinson, more soundstage than brand #2, better dynamics than #3?

The devil is in the details... especially when getting ready to spend such a large amount of money and with a two year old around lengthy excursions to the hi-fi shops are few and far between! Again, much appreciated.
I upgraded from the LS 25 MK2 to the Ref 2, and then to the Ref 3. I don't think you will find one better. If the Ref 3 is too much, the new LS 26 is actually better than the Ref 2 MK2.

Good luck,

If you can do without a remote, you owe it to yourself to try and audition the H-Cat preamp from North American Products. See their website for a list of dealers at www.H-Cat.com. I personally think it is the best preap regardless of price.