Good remote controled, used preamps out there.

Hello All!

I have a few quick questions about a few preamps and phono stages out there that work well together. Current system: Maggie llla’s, VTL 140’s,
Meridian 206, Sota Nova (almost a Cosmos with the updates), ET ll arm,
Benz Ruby .03mv version, Audio Note AN-S2 trannie, and all XLO Reference for cables.
The preamp I am using is an Audio Note M2 Phono and the preamp it replaced was a VTL Super Deluxe. The crux has been the Benz. I am wondering what pre/phono combo’s out there work well. I miss the soundstaging and imaging of the VTL, but the phono stage never was up to the Benz and the phono stages at the time didn’t do much either. The M2 kinda worked.
I keep reading good things about the Rogue Audio stuff. Because of the WAF (sub $1500 used), I am curious about the Magnum 66 remote/Stealth phono combo. Anyone used this combo? How about soundstaging and openness? Imaging?
Any feedback or ideas of other combo’s that are remote controlled would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks All,
rogue metis----brand new is 1ooo bucks!has phono stage I believe----excellent unit
I am getting a new Audio Mirror PP1 preamp this week with a well regarded MM/MC phono stage and line stage in one unit.
It is a tube unit if that matters.
Has remote.
Quite good user feedback and under your pricepoint new ($899).
Will report back how it works out, but the comments here have been quite good.
I will be pairing with a solid state amp. Phono source is modded Technics TT with a high output Dyna 10X5 cartridge.
Maybe you need to replace the Benz? Yes it's a good cartridge, but on the ETII I never found the Benz' to be a great match anyway. Switched to a lower compliance Sumiko Celebration and it's really excellent. It has a higher output which may suit your phono a bit better.