How can I tell when my phonostage is broken?

Im a complete novice and I think the phonostage has gone on my setup. Basically I have no volume control on my amp over the turntable but this works perfectly well with the CD? Could I have blown the thing?
Is it possible that a wire is disconnected on the turntable or the cartridge??? Check the interconnects........
with some amps, the internal board is an option (even if it's labeled on the unit). it may just not be there. it it used to be fine, then i would take to a tech.
Also try changing the interconnects from your phonostage to your preamp with those of your CD player and see if it goes away.
Thanks for all your help, It's Sunday and i have to do a few things so will try all of the above when i get back home!! Will keep you all posted tonight!! Once again thanks again!