Amplifiers for Talon Hawk monitors

Hi All,

I've been using a Levinson 23.5 amp with my Talon Hawks and just wondered if anyone had experience of a better ss amp match. I've also used expensive Audio Research, Plinius and Conrad Johnson amps with them and did not appreciate the match.

I've heard some good things about Edge and Halcro but would really appreciate any views and information about their actual or potential performance with the Talons.

Many thanks
Dear All,

A somewhat belated "thank you" for your informed suggestions and kind help. I've now auditioned fairly widely and will stick to the 23.5, until I find something that works better (for my hearing and expectations). Any additional suggestions will therefore still be appreciated.
I heard the Talon Thunderhawks matched with VAC gear at ces and it was nothing short of stunning.
I'm now using the VAC musicbloc 160 with Hawks (and Firebirds). This is an amazing amp. I was extremely happy with the Auricle amps, but what VAC has done in the musicbloc 160s is really special. I'm hearing twice the depth in soundstage and before the auricles already had more depth than any solid state amp. The only downside to the musicblocs---they are not inexpensive. Definitely worth an audition if it's within your means.