BEHOLD - digital gear from Germany

So has anyone had the opportunity to listen to the digital preamp and amp. combination from Behold? They've been getting a lot of traction at Stereotimes and a few honorable mentions on Soundstage!
If you've heard it: how does it compare to the other digital offerings available, or for that matter, how does compare to all the long-standing analog products on the market??
C'mon people - isn't this the place where all the self-proclaimed audiophiles and experts spend all their leisure time looking for the chance to show the rest of the world how knowledgeable they are!?
So far 150 people have looked at this thread and not one of you has seen or heard of BEHOLD!?! I'm sure someone has listened to, or heard of, these products and has some impression of them...or at least an opinion.
Perhaps it's just not controversial enough...

Have you heard the equipment? If not, why. I certainly don't claim to be a audio guru but, I have never heard of Behold until I read your post and looked them up on the internet.

I doubt the reason that you haven't got any responses yet is because it is not controversial enough. I see threads all the time with no controversy that have tons of responses. The reason is most likely lack of knowledge. And looking at the pricing, I would assume their market is pretty limited.
From what I heard from Stereo Times' publisher Clement Perry, the Behold gear is in a class by itself. He said something about the incredible density/solidity of the instrumental images and possibly taking out a second mortage to buy the review samples. At the stratospheric price of admission, few people can afford the Behold gear. I mean, how many folks here have a spare $100k lying around for the preamp and a pair of amps??? I know I don't!