Has anyone had trouble with speed on their tt

I was having trouble with speed stability on a very expensive dual DC motor top of the line system of a well known brand from England. It was a terrible fight for years, I would get some good days and then the temperamental thing would drift or even radically switch speeds ending my listening session. I now have the perfect system and wondered if we could discuss this for other audio enthusiasts' sake.
Most turntables of "repute" are not withing very good limits. When you hear a real stable one you realize that. The OP and Syntax are not wrong.

And all DC tables, something that is coming back to be more popular, have servo circuits, and all of them hunt, easily audible when you finally hear something that does not drift and hunt, and easily measurable.

Modern economics in high end audio: give the absolute least you can, don't think of serviceability, get the sale at all cost.
Yup 2 TTWeights TT would not keep accurate speed as told by a Timeline device!
Well, Syntax, you might be right. I have Expressimo Audio and it is working great as it checks its speed 500 times per revolution and corrects the speed if there is any drag instantly. If it ever needs tweaking at all, a laptop plugs in via USB and it can be calibrated to a strobe to the tenth of a rpm. TTW also has a motor system that has favorable review I have read. Brian of Expressimo also uses very precise machining and a great ceramic bearing on his turntables and they are leveled and balanced precisely. what system do you use?
just had an issue on a technics 1200, a machine that is supposed to keep perfect time. i swapped mats and was using a leather 45rpm small mat under a cork on cork spot mat. Was hearing sour notes and wowish kind of sonic. turns out the cork mat was slipping on the leather mat. i placed a rubber mat under the cork and all locked in. what would you call that as an issue: mat slippage?