Pardon me:
I want to know what amplifiers is BEST for my Diva Utopia speakers. My purpose is HT for my kids and Music for me.
These are the amplifiers in mind or consideration:
* YBA1 (2 channels)
*Sim Audio Moon Titan Multiple channels (HT)
*Chapter Audio 2+ (2 channels)
What pre/processors are recommended when choosing any of the above amplifiers for my speakers and my goal?
Pre/Pro in mind
* Bel Canto Pre/Pro
* Proceed AVP2
Why those discontinued processors?
I am not an audiophile at all but I have been reading
about them. They say about them: "superb" for Music and HT.
Could you give me at least 3 "combos" (PROCESSORS/AMPLIFIERS that will mate and take advantage of the DIVAS speakers.
Recommendation please about cables with each "Combo". I heard that we should not pay too much for cables
because there is more "profit " for those who sell them than the difference with them in regard to the sound queality. True?
Thanks everybody
In need of your opinions and recommendations. I am building my system
McIntosh MC402, MX135 and MC207 will have you covered. Sounds great with all Utopias and is trouble free and bomb proof.
Thanks everybody for answering and helping me.
What is your opinion of the following equipments for my Diva Utopia speakers.
Remember my goal is HT and Music.
Which one is best:

* Chapter Audio 2+
* Sim Audio Moon Titan HT 200 refer.200x5
* Krell TAS.
Please do not forget recommendations for cables, speakers and interconnectors.

The McIntosh and the other gears recommended are in consideration.
In need of your opinion or recommendation.
I am planning to get the Bel Canto Pre/Pro and the Ayre
V 5xe for my Jm Lab Diva Utopia.
Please let me know.
What do you think about this combo.
My goal is music and HT