Thanks guys for your comments.
Tvad - you are right, I do like the McCormack and think it is an outstanding amp. I never have to worry about SS haze or grain with that amp, and I never have to worry about lack of power for the Aerials. I am curious whether your comment about boxing myself into a corner is related to using only balanced connectors, the lowish 10K input impedance, or both. If the impedance, I agree with you and have sometimes thought about other amps that might match it sonically and power-wise, with higher impedance. The most likely candidate is the JC-1's, although others I have considered are Mac 402's and Pass 350.5 (only 20K). If my pre to amp run wasn't 3M long, I would more likely try the single ended CJ Premire 350. BTW - I also agree fully with the last sentence of your second post which is well-stated.
To Jmcgrogan2; as weird as it sounds, the lack of a remote is the least of it, especially since almost all digital sources have remotes that can stop play or advance tracks. I almost like not having one for the preamp because I tend to set the level and enjoy the music, instead of messing with it all the time. The issue is more related to general tube things like heat, remembering to turn off the amp before the pre (A-S doesn't use a mute switch), differences in tubes, tubes wearing out, and that little bit of extra noise (although not much with the A-S). CMO has a good point, and I have considered a Calypso and ARC Ref 3, but probably not the BAT because I cannot afford the 51SE and I am concerned about the 6H30 "supertube." The models without the 6H30 (the 31 and 51) are said to lack resolution and high end extension, so I thought those would be a backward step from the A-S. I have tried the VTL 5.5 (nice and musical but poor soundstaging compared to the A-S), and the SF Line 3 SE (comparatively marginal bass definition and lack of "thereness"). I would like to hear the Ayre K-1xe in my system, but it is quite pricy. If I were to change everything, other combos in my price range I have thought about but not heard are Mac 402/C46, Calypso/JC-1's and CJ 350/P17LS2,P18, or P16LS.
The A-S really is a nice unit, but probably best suited to a dedicated room or single-operator system. I am listening to the K-5xe now, and it is very nice in every way, with no flaws or shortcomings, but just not quite the last degree of richness, clarity and dynamics that the A-S provides. If I had never heard the A-S, I would probably be perfectly happy with the K-5xe.
Tvad - you are right, I do like the McCormack and think it is an outstanding amp. I never have to worry about SS haze or grain with that amp, and I never have to worry about lack of power for the Aerials. I am curious whether your comment about boxing myself into a corner is related to using only balanced connectors, the lowish 10K input impedance, or both. If the impedance, I agree with you and have sometimes thought about other amps that might match it sonically and power-wise, with higher impedance. The most likely candidate is the JC-1's, although others I have considered are Mac 402's and Pass 350.5 (only 20K). If my pre to amp run wasn't 3M long, I would more likely try the single ended CJ Premire 350. BTW - I also agree fully with the last sentence of your second post which is well-stated.
To Jmcgrogan2; as weird as it sounds, the lack of a remote is the least of it, especially since almost all digital sources have remotes that can stop play or advance tracks. I almost like not having one for the preamp because I tend to set the level and enjoy the music, instead of messing with it all the time. The issue is more related to general tube things like heat, remembering to turn off the amp before the pre (A-S doesn't use a mute switch), differences in tubes, tubes wearing out, and that little bit of extra noise (although not much with the A-S). CMO has a good point, and I have considered a Calypso and ARC Ref 3, but probably not the BAT because I cannot afford the 51SE and I am concerned about the 6H30 "supertube." The models without the 6H30 (the 31 and 51) are said to lack resolution and high end extension, so I thought those would be a backward step from the A-S. I have tried the VTL 5.5 (nice and musical but poor soundstaging compared to the A-S), and the SF Line 3 SE (comparatively marginal bass definition and lack of "thereness"). I would like to hear the Ayre K-1xe in my system, but it is quite pricy. If I were to change everything, other combos in my price range I have thought about but not heard are Mac 402/C46, Calypso/JC-1's and CJ 350/P17LS2,P18, or P16LS.
The A-S really is a nice unit, but probably best suited to a dedicated room or single-operator system. I am listening to the K-5xe now, and it is very nice in every way, with no flaws or shortcomings, but just not quite the last degree of richness, clarity and dynamics that the A-S provides. If I had never heard the A-S, I would probably be perfectly happy with the K-5xe.