Feedback on new Ayre MX-R Monoblocks

I've been a big fan of more musical producing amps and systems like Linn. I hear that the new Ayre MX-R's blow the Linn stuff away. Looking for feed back and impressions on these new amps and an idea as to what kind of deal can be had to get them out the door.
I agree with Teajay's basic comments i.e. the Pass amps sound more natural and "organic" than the Ayre's. With that in mind, the Ayre's sound more natural and organic than the newer Linn's. Obviously, where any of these three fit in the grander scheme of things / pecking order of amplifiers boils down to system synergy and personal preference. Sean
Given what I've read, I think that burn-in and cable/wire selection have a tremendous impact on the MX-R performance. I've been a long time Linn supporter based upon their earlier musical, rounded sound (Klout) but am looking for more detail, soundstage, and neutrality without the class D switching. I like the LAMM's (M2.2) sound, but the size and power consumption are not as appealling as the smaller SS MX-R or Klimax Solo footprints.
I just demoed the Ayre MX-R connected to a Shindo tubed pre amp, Esoteric 03, Wilson Maxx II's, and Siltech cables/inter-connects. Sounded unbelievable! I can't believe that any would call these dry and lifeless if they've been set up properly. It was neutral, detailed, and projected large sound stage.
The MX-R I heard was with all Ayre(pre and CD player). It was dry!!! The Arc 210 sounded much better. The tubed pre might be a big factor.
I love the MX-Rs and I and my audiophile friends cannot believe changing amps from the Linns to the Ayres made such a wonderful transformation. The total Ayre system is marvelous. The Ayre MX-R Monoblocks best the Linn Klimax Solo 500s in every respect. Rhythm and pacing are stunning. Dynamics, imaging, and realistic reproduction of instruments and singers is astonishing. I can't imagine you would ever regret the switch, or stop to look back if you try them. In my system they make a whole new world of difference. Worth every penny if you can afford to make the move.