Top ten tube amps

What is your list of top ten tube amps?
I have owned and enjoyed Lamm equipment, and I do wish Vladimir success. But I cannot conceive of any justification in either parts costs, R&D, or sound quality that can justify a $120,000 for an amplifier. That does not mean that some well-healed audiophile won't buy it. It is hard to say it is idiotic, and people are free to spend their money as they wish, but it does at least seem excessive - on the part of both a buyer willing to pay it, and a seller charging for it.
"on the part of both a buyer willing to pay it, and a seller charging for it."

That's what makes this country so great. Basic economics...whatever the market commands.
01-05-07: Pubul57
... That does not mean that some well-healed audiophile won't buy it.
We are all pretty sick.

(Sorry. I know it's just a typo, but I can't resist.)

Yamamoto Sound Craft

My short list of sweet ones, if we're just talking POWER amps.

Happy Listening!