Preamp: Cary versus BAT

Can someone tell me how Cary preamps sound versus BAT? I do have a VK-200 which I like very much but not sure if a BAT preamp is the best match. By that I mean some people think BAT preamps are a little on the darker side or too warm. I have in mind from Cary, the SLP2002 or 308 and the BAT, the VK3i or 5i. I like a neutral or slightly to the warm side of neutral sound with nice detail and dynamics. Low level detail is a must.

BAT VK200 amp
Jolida Music Envoy preamp
Cary 308 CDP
Tyler Acoustic Linbrook speakers
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I think the SLP98 is superior to the 2002 (or the ugly black box that several of my friends called it). I actually sold the 2002 and rebought the 98. Bad "upgrade"